Our Unique Guarantee

Why the guarantee?

Our aim is to provide you with the training and support necessary to achieve some of the very best qualifications and professional memberships available within the hypnotherapy profession.

We also passionately want you to achieve the following…

1. Personal Empowerment. Training that will take you on a journey to a level of knowledge and expertise which allows you to master all aspects of yourself. Although this is not "personal therapy" the benefits will be immense all the same. You will learn how to set and achieve ambitious goals in your life. How to become happier, more motivated, more prosperous, more self confident - whatever it is you personally wish for. Overcoming challenges and achieving incredible goals will become your personal skill set.

2. Professional Mastery. The tools, techniques and confidence to have a massive impact on peoples lives. To help people find themselves, become happier…less stressed and anxious. You will have a proven process and professional toolkit to make a real difference for individuals and groups.

3. Practice Building and Marketing Mastery. We want you to feel at the end of the program that you know what you need to do to build a thriving and profitable private practice. There is huge and growing demand for the services you will be able to provide. In our opinion, there will never be enough hypnotherapists and hypnosis practitioners available to meet even a fraction of that unlimited market.
For this reason you should never be struggling to find clients and to build a busy practice. The marketing and business side of things is central to our teachings. We don't want to simply help you become a "potentially great hypnotherapist". We want to help push you to professional success.

The guarantee

If after you finish our training program, you don't feel entirely confident in each of the above 3 areas, you can repeat the entire course (or as little or as much of it as you like) at no extra charge, within a 4 year timeframe from your initial enrolment.

You can attend any regional training centre to repeat training days or weekends. This is subject to sufficient notice being given and availability of space in the training room.

We are very proud of our national training status and very confident in our ability to get you to mastery first time round. However we do understand that many training schools leave you stranded at the end of the training course, not sure what to do next. Your success means so much to us, we are determined to support you.